The children from Camberwell South Primary School have been working very hard this year to produce some fantastic art work. The work will be on display at the Hawthorn Town Hall gallery space from August 1 to 27.
The work of Preps through to Grade 6 children is on display, providing a great example of the type of art that is happening in primary schools. The children visit the art room once a week for a 50 minute session. Sometimes an art task may take two or three weeks to complete. The children are always very proud of their work. Throughout the year we try to cover all areas of art – drawing, painting, textiles, construction, modelling, printing and appreciation. We often learn about the work of famous artists and use these discussions as a stimulus for our work. The elements of art (line, space, texture, form and shape) are also covered as the children complete their work.
Due to restrictions in the gallery space, only 2D work is on display in this current exhibition. Collages have been completed by the Grade 1 and 2 children. Some reflect holiday happenings and some are based on the work of popular artists, Ken Done and Michael Leunig. The Grade 6 children worked collaboratively interpreting a piece of work by David Hockney, whose recent exhibition at the NGV was studied by the children.
Prep children love to dress up and this was the basis for some lovely paintings showing their favourite costumes. We are sure you will find the Camberwell South Primary School exhibition enjoyable, so please make time to drop in during August.