Ashburton Community Centre
Events Volunteers Organised, practical, patient, flexible and happy people to actively help out.
WEEKLY – Foreign Film night (first Wednesdays); QUARTERLY – Ashburton A-Fair (first Saturday of school holidays); ANNUALLY – Ashburton Community Festival (last Sunday February); ANNUALLY – Ashburton Bookfest (last Saturday July school holidays); ANNUALLY – International Women’s Day Event (March)
Office Assistants Volunteers sought to support office team: 9am–2pm. Flexible hours; mornings preferred. Tasks: Front desk enquiries; answer phones, manage queries; take enrolments; Help manage Centre’s amenities – e.g. rooms set-up; Maintain promotional displays; Organise office supplies; Data entry. Requirements: Basic computer skills e.g. MS Word, MS Excel; Willingness to learn new computer software (training provided); Warm friendly manner; “Can do” approach; Ability to move mobile office furniture.
Committee Members Volunteers sought with skills in marketing, event planning & implementation, and fundraising who can attend monthly Committee meetings/AGM; contribute to sub-committees, plan and execute events and workshops, based on interests or skill base. Volunteering application forms available at
Ashburton Community Residents Association (ACRA) Inc.
Volunteers needed to help with our artisan market activities in Ashburton and Ashwood. See our
Facebook page email or phone 9885 8890.
Ashy Op Shop, Ashburton
285b High Street, Ashburton, corner of Welfare Parade (near the station in High Street). We fund local Ashburton aged care services. You can volunteer any weekday or Saturday or Sunday. Men and women welcome. Just four hours a week to do your bit in a fun environment. Join our team today. Phone Margaret 9885 3815.
Avenue Neighbourhood House @ Eley
Being a community organisation, volunteers are always welcome and form a vital part of our program. Opportunities to volunteer are available in reception, assisting in classes, driving our small community bus and committees. Phone 9808 2000 or email
Balwyn Evergreen Centre
Volunteer visitors needed for the Evergreen Connection Visits program (ACVVS), Drivers for local pickups and/or weekly outings. Other opportunities available. Ph. 9836 9681 e: w:
The Canterbury Centre 2 Rochester Road. BASScare supports older people to live their best lives. Vacancies available in meals on wheels, social support and social connection. Ph. 0447 503 741 e:
Boroondara Central Lions Club Op Shop
1350C Toorak Rd, Camberwell (Burwood Village) Volunteers needed morning & afternoons, also emergencies. Phone Margaret 0409 389 927 or leave details in Op Shop.
Bowen Street Community Centre
A family-focussed Community Centre located in Camberwell, looking for volunteers in childcare, office administration, Committee of Management positions, Vice-president, staff liaison, Treasurer. Ring 98890791 for more details.
Burwood Neighbourhood House
IT Coord. for new ‘Burwood Connections’ social media website. e:
Plus Knitted Knockers Australia Admin Assist. (supports breast cancer survivors). e:
Canterbury Neighbourhood Centre
Volunteers interested in book clubs, dementia support; community mag. distribution. We’re moving to Centre in Canterbury Gardens. Ph. 9830 4214 e:
Craig Family Centre
Be a homework tutor, committee member, community gardener, childcare or kinder helper at the Craig Family Centre. There are lots of volunteer opportunities! Ph. 9885 7789 e:
Eastern Emergency Relief Network Inc.
Volunteer one morning per week. Drivers, W/house Coordinators & Assistants, Sorting/Pantry Crews, whitegoods servicers and qualified electrical testers, office admin. Ph. 9874 8433.
Gilbert & Sullivan Opera Victoria, Mt Waverley
Regular workshops for set/ prop construction, costuming, & bump in/out activities. Friendly atmosphere. Light timber work skills helpful, but training provided. 9.30am–3pm most Saturdays. Lunch/coffee incl. Call John 0412 411 629.
Greenlink Box Hill, Box Hill North
Indigenous plant nursery run by friendly volunteers in nursery or parklands. We produce over 40 000 indigenous plants each year. Sow seeds, take cuttings, etc. Open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9am–noon. Ph. 0479 121 653 only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. e:
healthAbility/Whitehorse Repair Cafe
Seeking volunteer Repairers to join our Cafe, 2nd Sat. of the month (Jan excepted). Have you skills/experience & would like to help reuse & keep items from landfill? Contact Stewart on
Inclusion Melbourne
Support adults with intellectual disabilities. Seeking volunteers as art mentor, friendly visitor, leisure buddy or tutor. Commitment of 6-12 months. Phone 9509 4266 or email:
Knitted Knockers Australia, Burwood
Admin Assist. (KKA supports breast cancer survivors). e:
Louise Multicultural Community Centre, Box Hill
We seek Tutors (English & Computer), Office Administration and Project volunteers to join our lively team. Help support and encourage social harmony in a safe and warm environment. Phone 9285 4850. Email:
MND (Motor Neurone Disease) Victoria
Provide care and support for people with MND, including services to support their carers, etc. Volunteers undertake a range of roles and responsibilities. Phone 9830 2122.
MS Community Visitors Scheme
Just like you but older – Would you like to visit older people who would benefit from friendship? We have people who live in aged care homes or their own homes waiting to be matched to a visitor for friendship and companionship. Phone 9845 2729.
Neighbourhood Watch Ashwood West & surrounds
Local people needed to help with running/ administering committee & newsletter delivery. Ph. 9885 7554 or e:
Neighbourhood Watch Whitehorse
Volunteer for ‘Caring for Communities’. Support local area groups. Ph. Ray 0418 596 831 e:
Peridot Theatre Inc.
Community theatre co. in eastern suburbs for 35 years. Interested in theatre? Secretarial/bookkeeping skills highly valued. w: Ph. Helen: 0429 115 334.
Power Neighbourhood House, Ashwood
We a small friendly community house located in Ashwood. Our Mission is to achieve community participation by providing support, referral and activities in a friendly non-judgemental environment. We are looking for some new committee members from all walks of life to help us to keep our house as open and welcoming to all in the community. If this is of interest to you. Please contact us on 8849 9707.
RSPCA, Burwood East
3 Burwood Hwy.
Ph. 9224 2222. Many volunteer roles: office admin, events, grounds maintenance. Minimum age 15. Visit our website
Samarinda – local for local
Meals-on-Wheels drivers, Bus excursions, Seniors transport to attend activities. Gardeners, kitchen/café assistants, Ashy Op Shop staff. Ph. 1300 591 464. e:
Uniting East Burwood
UEB is currently recruiting volunteers to assist with providing information, support, referrals and emergency relief for people in need. Community Workers are the first people to meet our clients, and assist individuals and families experiencing personal and financial difficulties. Important qualities of a Community Worker are empathy, good communication skills, and being a patient listener.
Community Workers are required to complete a nationally recognised training course, available in seven online sessions, together with on-site mentoring. Course calendar and details are available on the CISVic website – All volunteers must undergo a Police Check and hold a current Working with Children Check (WWC). For more information phone 9803 3400.
Uniting Op Shop, Forest Hill
Volunteers needed to join the team at our newly renovated Op Shop. Phone Don on 0411 490 365 for details.
Wesley Do Care – Active Ageing
Works with elderly people/disabled who want to take part in interests & social activities. We need volunteer happy to share interests, activities & companionship. Ph. 9794 3000.
Youth Education Support Inc. (YES)
Help disadvantaged youth to gain an education. Volunteers for Op Shop needed, 53 Mahoneys Rd Forest Hill. Ph. 9894 0992.