Dance & Exercise

The Canterbury Centre Seniors Yoga, Strength and Balance (over 55s) 2 Rochester Road. Ph. 9889 4709. e:

Balwyn Evergreen Centre
Weekly group exercise classes incl balance, strength, chair based, active, tai chi, meditation & yoga and line dancing. Small gym circuit sessions. Suits all abilities. Ph. 9836 9681 e: w:

Box Hill Ballet Association Inc.
NFP. Classical ballet (Cecchetti), Jazz, Tap, Folk, Wu Tao. Students 3yo–adult. Adult beginners. Ph. 7067 3310. w: e:

Dance for Fitness, Box Hill
Box Hill Community Arts Centre, 470 Station Street. Mondays, 1–2pm. Fun way to get fit! Low impact informal dance class for those who don’t like the gym. Phone 9895 8888. 

Dance for Parkinson’s, Camberwell
Uniting Church, 314 Camberwell Road.
Fridays 10-11am. $5 donation.

Deepdene Scottish Country Dancers, Deepdene
Paton Hall, Deepdene Uniting Church, 958 Burke Road, Deepdene (near Whitehorse Road corner). 8pm Mondays March to mid-December. Everyone welcome. $4 per session. Social dances 8pm 2nd Saturdays, March to December $6. Car park end of Dale Street. Tram routes 72 and 109. Phone 9890 2546 or

English Country Dance, Burwood
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, 7 Greenwood Street, Burwood. Tuesdays 8–10pm. $5. All dances are taught. Partners are not necessary and individuals are welcome. Think Pride & Prejudice.  Phone George on 9890 5650.

Hong Kong Club Tai Chi Group
Evergreen Centre, 45 Talbot Ave, Balwyn. Tai Chi & Qigong classes – various forms. Sat. 8:30am‒1pm. Ph. Sam 0418 101 937 e:

Scottish Country Dancing, Surrey Hills
Surrey Hills Uniting Church, 679 Canterbury Rd, Tues Mar–Nov 7:30–10pm. $7. Beg. & exp. welcome. Flat, soft shoes. Ph. 0425 883 218. e: w:

Surrey Dance
A friendly and welcoming dance venue. Ballroom, New Vogue & Latin.
Wednesday 7–10.30 pm. St. Matthew’s Church Hall, 334 High St, Ashburton. Phone Fred  0418 340 111 or Debbie 0412 297 025.

Let’s TAP Cardio & Low Impact Tap Dancing Classes
Be ACTIVE, feel POSITIVE … Let’s TAP! Experience is not required, enthusiasm & energy for life is essential. Come & join in the fitness fun.  $22 per session, $100 per 6–class pass. Ph. Lisa 0431 887 697

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