Australian Youth Band, Ashwood
Victoria’s Premier Youth Marching and Concert Band. Rehearses Saturday mornings at Parkhill Primary School. Jnr Ensemble AMEB 2+, Snr Ensemble AMEB 5+. w:
Blackburn North Sing Australia, Nunawading
Thursday’s at 7:30pm. Community Centre Forest Hill Village, 264 Springvale Rd. Singing a variety of songs with opportunities to perform for community organisations. The first week is free and there are no auditions. Ph. Mick 0414 484 080.
Box Hill Chorale
As the community choir of the City of Whitehorse, BHC is open to all interested local residents and members of the wider community who have a love of singing and a desire to be part of a vibrant and friendly community choir. Singers aged 15 up welcome. Enquiries: Andrew Wailes 0433 661 971 or Lorraine Walker: 0408 203 080. Email:
Celtic Jam
Blackburn North Neighbourhood House 109 Koonung Rd. Wed 6:30–7.30pm Introductory; 7:30–9pm Jam session. Easy going jam sessions. Learn a tune. New members welcome $4 per week.
Cloud9 Women’s Choir
We sing an eclectic range of music suited to women’s voices that we perform in concerts and local events. We rehearse Thursday evenings 7.30-9.30 during school terms. North Balwyn Uniting Church, 17-21 Duggan Street, Balwyn North. New members always welcome. See our website: for How To Join tab.
Community Singing at Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, Burwood
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, 7 Greenwood Street, Burwood. Sing and String-along Mondays 11:30am-12:45pm. Fees vary. Book at the office or phone 9888 0234.
Creativity Australia – With One Voice, Ashburton
Ashburton Baptist Church, 8 Y Street, Ashburton. Entry through carpark in Marquis Street. Tuesdays 6:15–7:30pm. A fun, inclusive, community choir led by Kym Dillon. No auditions; no singing experience necessary. Supper included. Come along and enjoy. Phone 8679 6088. e: w:
Majellan Singers, Ashburton
Like to join a small, friendly women’s choir? Rehearsals in Ashburton Uniting Church on Wednesdays 7:30-9.30pm. $450 p.a. For info or audition ph. Rosemary 0416 267 500.
Open Door Community Singers, Canterbury
Habitat Uniting Church, corner Burke and Mont Albert Roads, Canterbury (Melway 45 K9). Exciting contemporary and traditional songs. Perform locally. Monday 7:30-9:30pm. $85 pa, $10 per night. Phone 0419 894 340, w:
Open Door Gospel Singers
Details as above. Thursday 7:30-9:30pm.
reCHOIRed Community Choir
Rehearses in Surrey Hills Wednesday in school terms: 7:30–9pm. No auditions. Enquiries: website:
Scotsglen Singers, Glen Waverley
Midweek ladies choir who sing to entertain the elderly are in need of an accompanist for 2016. The choir has been singing for 50 years and has raised over $45 000 for various charities. Membership: $85. Rehearse Thursday afternoons in Glen Waverley. We perform regularly in local area. Phone Elizabeth 0407 542 680.
Sing Australia Choir, Camberwell
Camberwell Uniting Church, 314 Camberwell Rd. Community-based choir. Tuesday 10am-noon. Annual subscription plus $10 per visit. No auditions. Ph. 0439 381 091.
Treble Tones, Burwood
Join a friendly group of ladies who enjoy singing and bringing the pleasure of music to others. Rehearsals Wednesday mornings, Burwood area. Come and see what we do. Membership $110 p.a. Phone Lorraine Pollard 9807 5936.
Ukulele & Singing (BUGSS), Burwood
Bennettswood Neighbourhood House, 7 Greenwood St, Burwood. Mon. 11:30am-12:45pm. Ph. 9888 0234. e:
Victoria Welsh Male Choir, Blackburn South
Wed. 7:30-9:30pm St Edward’s, Edinburgh Rd. Looking for men who can hold a tune. Great camaraderie. Ph. David on 0413 077 573 or
Yarra Gospel Community Choir
Friendly inclusive group, inspiring songs, 1st night free, no auditions. Wkly $12.50, music provided, wine/cheese supper. Thurs 7:15 pm St. John’s Camberwell. Ph. 0421277862. Email: