Our second walk runs roughly parallel to Burwood Highway. he whole walk, about 8km, is from Beryl Street (tram stop 55, Melway 60 F6) to Burwood Heights Shopping Centre (stop 66), but you can shorten it by simply heading north, back to the highway, and catching a tram!
Beryl Street is a typical, tree-lined local street. At the end of it, walk anticlockwise around the park to the southeast corner along the small gravel path with the magpies, eucalypts and paperbarks. Walk east along Bath Road into Loloma Court, and via this court into Burwood Reserve (avoiding current building works) with its birds, older trees, toilet, playground and war memorial. Leave at the north-east corner, cross into Highbury Road and walk downhill on the northern side of this road. You cannot miss Burwood Cemetery, and the sign near the bottom of the hill tells an excellent history of Burwood.
Continue along Highbury Road, but do not cross the Gardiners Creek bridge. Walk into the Local History Park. The geosculpture there represents layers of the earth, while plaques explain Earth’s evolution. Cross the large wooden replica bridge, and turn right to see the Settlers Shelter (with its peppercorn tree) and the community garden. All have information panels. Cross into the “secret” park with its playground, barbecue and shelter.
Cross into Coppard Street, and walk east one block; turn right (south) into Cumming Street, and our “secret trail” starts 100m away. This trail wanders east for about 25 minutes and just stops (!) at Malvina Street. Continue east along Pearce Street, and do two right/left turns back onto Highbury Road. Cross Middleborough Road at the lights and continue to Skene Street, turning right/left into our last park.
Once a brick quarry, then a tip, Ballyshanassy Park is now one of our quieter parks with no roads beside it, giving it a reflective feeling. Leave at the north-east corner, then turn left/left/right/left to enter Burwood Heights shops by a pedestrian access. You deserve a rest, and a tasty treat!