BURWOOD locals will be pleased to hear about the rebranding of Rotary Club of Box Hill to Rotary Club of Box Hill Burwood (RCBHB). The club now incorporates Burwood and Burwood East areas. When restrictions are eased, they will be able to continue fundraising efforts at their Op Shop and Whitehorse Farmers’ Market. You can assist RCBHB’s work by visiting their Opportunity Shop at 113 Canterbury Road, Blackburn South where you’ll find an excellent range of books, clothing, jewellery and bric-a-brac. All profits go to community projects.
In 2021, Rotary clubs across the nation will celebrate 100 years of Rotary in Australia. The RCBHB Whitehorse Art Show will also celebrate its 56th Annual Art Show at the Box Hill Town Hall, 31 October – 7 November 2021. The Art Show has a close connection to Frederick McCubbin of the Heidelberg School of Art which began in 1885 at a camp in Box Hill South. McCubbin is perpetuated each year with the presentation of the McCubbin Medal Award for the best work in show.
A few recent accomplishments of this local group:
• Free Coffee for Frontline Health Workers Project. RCBHB organised this through the Red Cup Café, Box Hill and the Norwood Café, Burwood East. Money for the successful project came from RCBHB and personal donations by Rotarians. A grateful Eastern Health Foundation assisted Rotary by getting the message out to all Frontline Health Emergency workers.
• Bushfire Recovery Effort Project. Acorn Nursery in Surrey Hills was concerned that their bushfire donations would be used for ‘admin. costs’. Owners John and Melissa Van der Horst and their staff learned that all donations to Rotary would go direct to bushfire areas. The over $2000 raised by Acorn Nursery was sent to Rotary Clubs in East Gippsland.
• Partnership with RSPCA. During the bushfires, the RSPCA put together Animal Care Packages for affected small animals. Through their network of
clubs, RCBHB was able to provide Rotary contacts in fire affected zones where the packages were eventually distributed.
• Rotary Club Grants. Rotary Clubs have always generously offered grants for worthy causes. However, 2020 has found the local club in a straitened
situation. Usual forms of income via their Blackburn South Opportunity Shop, RCBHB Whitehorse Art Show and Whitehorse Farmers’ Market held at Whitehorse Civic Centre, 379 Whitehorse Road every second Sunday, were curtailed during the Covid-19 shutdowns.
Are you a potential Rotarian?
Do you have a community project you’d like to be involved with? Join other community-minded people in your area. RCBHB has regular meetings with interesting guest speakers, social functions, great fellowship, and is always on the lookout for new members. To find out more visit boxhillburwoodrotary.org.au and click the video link. To begin your Rotary experience attend a meeting and a complimentary dinner.
For more information phone Ray Riehm on 0406 736 012
or Club Secretary Ray McLeod-Dryden on 0417 571 137.
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