Image of statue

A preventable plague

16/03/2018 Guest Author

Family is something we should all be able to depend as we grow older – for safety, care and good company. But for many Australians who experience elder abuse, this is not always the case.
Thuy and Long in their Surrey Hills milkshop

No milk today…

01/03/2018 Margaret Rockow

From 1987 Thuy and Long had milk bar businesses in South Melbourne, Blackburn North, Richmond and finally the Milk Bar/General Store in Surrey Hills in December 1995. In October 2017 they farewelled the neighbourhood they’d loved and felt a part of for 22 years: the school children who dropped by on their way home from school for a bag of lollies or an ice-cream; nearby residents who’d regularly buy milk, the newspaper, a greeting card, or a forgotten grocery item for that night’s dinner.

The Golden Era of Vintage radios

01/03/2018 Guest Author

The Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA) has 1200 members around Australia, with an estimated 30 000 radios in their collections. Members enjoy collecting and restoring radios from the 1920s through to the ’80s. Meetings are held monthly around Australia, including in Ashburton, where radios are discussed and sold and friendships made.
The Laramie Project 2017

80 Years of Hartwell Players

01/03/2018 Guest Author

“MELBOURNE’S Oldest Theatre Company” is a title not easily earned, but in 2018 Hartwell Players Theatre Company of Ashwood turns 80! And to celebrate their milestone, the Players are hosting a “Spectacularly Trivial Trivia Night” event at the Notting Hill Community Hall on 21 April. Starting in 1938 under the quaint moniker of “Presbyterian Merry Makers” the fledgling group had no idea they would evolve to be the most inclusive and enduring theatre company in town.
My hosts Denis and Dasha

The force of friendship

01/03/2018 Guest Author

I love to travel and meet the locals. It’s even better when I stay in their home, meet the family and am taken to places only the locals know. I belong to a worldwide club called The Friendship Force. Let me give you a taste of some of my experiences.
Caterpillars, Wild Dogs and Wide Open Space

Patterns of Stories

01/03/2018 Chris Gray

Glenn Loughrey describe his art as coming out of the Aboriginal style. There are patterns that go down eons into the ground and they come up and show themselves; it’s not so much a geographical map, but a map of the patterns of the stories that sit underneath. of the patterns of the stories that sit underneath. So I use that to some degree, but I also use perspective, and while I will have that pattern look, there will still be sky. The process shifts backwards and forwards; that’s been a part of the process of learning about myself as an Aboriginal person and painting out of that.