A terpsichorean anniversary

26/02/2021 Margaret Rockow

After almost 70 years, the Box Hill Ballet School still prides itself on being a welcoming, family-friendly community organisation, where students return year after year, with some second and even third generation students attending classes.

Thuy and Long in their Surrey Hills milkshop

No milk today…

01/03/2018 Margaret Rockow

From 1987 Thuy and Long had milk bar businesses in South Melbourne, Blackburn North, Richmond and finally the Milk Bar/General Store in Surrey Hills in December 1995. In October 2017 they farewelled the neighbourhood they’d loved and felt a part of for 22 years: the school children who dropped by on their way home from school for a bag of lollies or an ice-cream; nearby residents who’d regularly buy milk, the newspaper, a greeting card, or a forgotten grocery item for that night’s dinner.
