The Teacher Environment Network

The nature play movement
The nature play movement

The Teacher Environment Network (TEN) is coordinated between the City of Boroondara and the City of Monash to assist schools and teachers relating to sustainability. TEN offers services and resources to schools about the environment, becoming actively involved in the community, encouraging students to walk or ride their bikes to school and to live more sustainably.

Teachers and parents interested in supporting environmental sustainability in their school or kindergarten are invited to events to share skills, knowledge and ideas. These events, held quarterly, may include expert guest speakers or site visits and tours.

Indigenous plant vouchers
From March to June, schools and kindergartens in Boroondara can request a voucher for 50 indigenous plant tubes for planting on school grounds. The vouchers are redeemable at Victorian Indigenous Nursery Co-operative or Greenlink Nursery in Box Hill.

Free mulch for your school ground:
Available from the Kew Depot Recycling Drop-off Centre. Schools need a trailer to collect mulch.

Backyard Biodiversity booklet and Guide to Weeds:
These are free resources for students to learn about local biodiversity and threats to local flora and fauna and can help plan habitat gardening projects.

Classroom sets of biodiversity cards and poster:
Order classroom sets (10) of ‘swap cards’ featuring images and stories about local flora and fauna, and A2 posters featuring local wildlife and plants.

Excursions to local biodiversity sites:
Some of the City of Boroondara’s significant biodiversity sites make great destinations for class excursions. Students learn about indigenous flora and fauna and changes to the local environment over time. Suitable sites with interpretive signage include Koonung Creek, Balwyn North and Burke Road South Wetlands, Glen Iris.

Recycling and waste management for schools and kindergartens; Subsidised compost bins:
There are tutorials to learn about recycling food waste at home or school and subsidised compost bins and worm farms are available via https://compostrevolution. Schools and kindergartens can order a general waste bin, up to three recycling bins and up to two green waste bins (one-off fee). Telephone 9278 4444 during office hours.

Classroom posters:
Recycling, landfill, worm food and flexible plastics posters are available to understand ‘what goes where’ from: www. files/2018-03/Waste-station-posters- A4-and-A3.pdf

Energy saving in schools and kindergartens:
Borrowing an energy meter to track your school’s energy use is an important step in understanding how and when your school uses energy. You can borrow an energy meter or a thermal imaging camera from a local library.

The nature play movement
The international nature play movement has led to the rapid emergence of bush kinder and nature play programs across Australia. These programs offer many benefits for children ranging from physical health and wellbeing to social skills and environmental knowledge. To learn more about any of the above or to subscribe to the TEN e-newsletter go to ♦