Bellbird Dell steps

Bellbird Dell

23/11/2018 Guest Author

PRIOR to the first European settlers, Bellbird Dell’s landscape was thickly timbered bushland with Kooris of the Wurundjeri tribe hunting and camping in the creeks and gullies. The creek flowed from north of the Dell, through it, and on to join the Dandenong Creek.
The nature play movement

The Teacher Environment Network

23/11/2018 Guest Author

The Teacher Environment Network (TEN) is coordinated between the City of Boroondara and the City of Monash to assist schools and teachers relating to sustainability. TEN offers services and resources to schools about the environment, becoming actively involved in the community, encouraging students to walk or ride their bikes to school and to live more sustainably.
Cheryl and Governor Linda Dessau AC

Cheryl Webster – our Senior of the Year

23/11/2018 Chris Gray

The Victorian Senior of the Year Awards recognises older Victorians, who volunteer to assist, support and encourage others in their communities. Burwood’s own Cheryl Webster does us all proud as one of this year’s recipients. Long-time Manager of Burwood Neighbourhood House and a Breast Cancer survivor herself, Cheryl has first-hand knowledge and understanding of the plight of those she helps.
Pianist Nancy Weir in 1929, aged 10

Nancy Weir – pianist and spy

23/11/2018 Editor

Nancy Mary Weir was born in Kew on 13 July 1915; a child prodigy, she knew the piano keyboard at 18 months and when four sneaked out to a nearby convent for lessons from a nun. At 13, she performed Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No.3 with the Melbourne Symphony under conductor Fritz Hart following which Melbourne’s lord mayor launched a public subscription for her to study in Europe.
Eva with painting by Slawa

Meet Eva Duldig

23/11/2018 Chris Gray

EVA de Jong-Duldig is a person of diverging interests, many of which were inherited from her parents. Eva’s father Karl was an eminent sculptor as well as a sportsman, and from him she took his sporting prowess (he played international soccer for Hakoah Wien in the 1920s and was later one of Austria’s top tennis players). Her mother Slawa, who invented the modern foldable umbrella in 1929, often formed a bedrock in the family’s sometimes fraught journey from Vienna to Australia.
Walkers and their dog enjoying Bellbird Dell

Burwood Walks #23: Bellbird Dell

23/11/2018 Mark Learmonth

OUR twenty-third walk begins at the 75 tram terminus at Vermont South Shopping Centre (coffee anyone?). This tram runs through Burwood for walkers who live along this route. We start the walk at the terminus (Melway 62 G8). The whole route is on Melway map 62. The walk is about 7km, and offers two choices of route (more about that later). If you have binoculars, bring them along.
Hamper food ready for packing

Local Community Food Drive

23/11/2018 Guest Author

THE public image of any community does not always tell the whole story of the lives of its residents or of the challenges they face. For some, there are times when assistance is needed for sudden setbacks or long term stress. That is when agencies such as Uniting East Burwood can offer a helping hand – including emergency relief, financial advice, personal counselling, or simply companionship.